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- Data Collection and Use Agreement -

This agreement sets forth how Zapevo Limited ("ZAPEVO") will process the data collected hereunder. As you sign, this agreement indicates that you have read, understood and accepted the contents set forth in this agreement. As if you have accepted this agreement, you have obtained the consent of the legal representative and have complied with all of the following specifications.

I. Basic Data Collection, Renewal and Management

  1. ZAPEVO will collect, process, and use your data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations as well as ZAPEVO's Privacy Policy.
  2. Please provide your accurate, latest and complete data.
  3. Your data collected by ZAPEVO to facilitate its administration includes particularly, but not exclusively the information of your business and product data.

To ensure the correctness, accuracy, and completeness of your data, please report to ZAPEVO any changes in your data. Moreover, should you suffer any losses due to inaccurate data, ZAPEVO shall not be held responsible for any compensation.

II. Purpose of Data Collection

  1. ZAPEVO collects your product data in order to list them with affiliated partners &
  2. ZAPEVO will solicit your consent in a written form in advance before using your data to serve a purpose other than the previous purpose.
  3. ZAPEVO may use your data for a period of ten years commencing from now on the date of submitting your consent (subject to change as needed).

III. Basic Information Security

Your data will be protected by and under ZAPEVO's Privacy Policy. If your data is stolen, divulged, modified, or damaged owing to any natural disasters, extraordinary event or circumstance beyond its control, ZAPEVO shall inspect the cause and inform you by phone, mail, e-mail or website notice.

IV. Validity of Agreement

  1. Your signature on this agreement indicates that you have read, understood and accepted its contents.
  2. ZAPEVO entitled to amend the contents of this agreement, and any amendments will be notified. If you disagree with any amendments, please tell us to discontinue to collect, process or use your data. Otherwise, you are considered to have agreed to the amendment.
  3. Any suggestion or information obtained from your consent; whether written or oral, unless expressly provided in the terms of this consent does not constitute any warranty other than the terms of this consent.

V. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement, and any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim of whatever nature arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement or its formation, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.

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