How to Brush Metal Watch Bracelet?

Jurica Krajacic
Jurica Krajacic

Having a watch with a metallic bracelet automatically provides even the most basic watches with an expensive look. It is also the primary reason why many watchmakers offer several watch models with leather or sports straps and then offer metallic bracelets as an upgrade. Regardless of your situation, if you have a metal bracelet, you will see that it will get scratched after a while. Leaving it untouched could lead to an unpleasant look and that is why brushing metal is so important.

1. Start With Basic Cleaning
2. Is An Initial Brushing Enough?
3. Drying the Band is Essential
4. Advanced Cleaning: Scrubbing the Band (Materials)
5. Advanced Cleaning: Scrubbing the Band (Process)
6. Cleaning Up
7. Final Word

While you could simply take your watch to a watchmaker and have them renew your bracelet for you, brushing metal is actually a simple process that anyone can do. With the right approach and a focus on the minute details, you can do a great job that would look quite close to a professional restoration process. We are sharing a step-by-step guide on brushing metal that you can use to make your watch bracelet look good as well.

  1.  Start With Basic Cleaning

While you may be looking to clean the bracelet on your watch, the process does involve using harsh products, so you want to make sure that it is not overdone. Before getting down to the actual brushing metal part, the first step you need to take is to clean any surface dirt and grime. Use a soft cloth, preferably a microfiber cloth, to clean the surface dirt properly. Give the entire bracelet a good rub and try to reach the crevices as well to remove maximum dirt. Move around individual links to get to all the hidden parts as well.

  1.  Is An Initial Brushing Enough?

The next step you need to take in the process of brushing metal is taking off the dirt and other particles that are stuck to the bracelet. The best way to do this is by using a soft brush (you can use a toothbrush as well) and some soapy water. The soap will help soften and remove the particles and the bristles of the brush will help you properly clean all the areas that are hard to clean. Give a few passes on the entire bracelet and then watch the bracelet thoroughly with clear running water until all the soap is washed off. Do not leave any soap behind as that will lead to new stains on the bracelet.

  1. Drying the Band is Essential

At this point, the process of brushing metal is complete for watches that have relatively new or less scratched bracelets. It is essential to dry out the bracelet thoroughly before it can be reinstalled on the watch. Of course, that does not mean every bracelet would be ready for use at this point. For bracelets that have a scratched surface that is easy to spot, the next step is to start scrubbing. However, you should still dry your bracelet thoroughly before moving on to that step.

  1.  Advanced Cleaning: Scrubbing the Band (Materials)

This is the harshest thing that you will be doing to your watch bracelet, so you must understand it properly. This is a big step in brushing metal, so get every detail right when you get to this point. The first step is to choose the right material for scrubbing. You intend to smooth out scratched surfaces which means you need to have something abrasive. However, it cannot be too rough either. The best material we have found for this is a Scotch Brite pad. This material is perfect for the job as it is not too harsh and provides an even brushing.

Do NOT even think about using sandpaper for brushing metal, regardless of what grade it may be. They have the potential to make the entire bracelet rough and that is something your bracelet will never recover from!

  1.  Advanced Cleaning: Scrubbing the Band (Process)

Start the actual process of brushing metal with the Scotch Brite pad in your hand. Begin by gently rubbing the pad on the watch while following the original brushing pattern. You can easily figure out what direction the brushing is supposed to go in by taking a closer look at the band. The motion should always be linear, and you must not take a circular motion on any part of the bracelet. Since the motion is linear, you can move back and forth, but be sure to keep it in line with the original pattern.

Continue to rub until you see the scratches disappear or fade significantly on each surface. Do keep in mind that there is a limit to the depth of scratches you can treat. Some scratches are too deep, and you can easily tell just by looking if brushing metal will fix them or not. At that point, your only option would be to either live with it if it is hidden or just buy a new bracelet if the damage is too visible.

  1.  Cleaning Up

Once all the surfaces have been scrubbed and look even, you can stop brushing metal with the pad and start cleaning. While a simple damp cloth is certainly enough to do the job, you may be better off using an alcohol pad for a thorough cleaning. This will also sanitize the bracelet, which is just an added advantage, especially if you are doing it for someone else.

For the ultimate finish, you could also use a cleaning spray like Astonish or some other products made for cleaning metallic surfaces. This would give your bracelet a premium look and make the whole activity much more worthwhile. After all, it is the little things that make your effort shine out!

Final Word

The process shared here for brushing metal is great for all types of metallic watch bracelets. However, you can feel free to use it on other products as it will work wonders for you and make any metallic surface look renewed. Most importantly, this little effort can save you from spending a huge amount by getting a professional to do the same thing.

Any video we can recommend to watch? Sure!

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